Company |
4Roots Farm Education | Johns Hopkins Hospital |
Action for Healthy Kids | Katzman Produce |
Amazon | Kicker Ventures |
American Cancer Society | La Soupe |
American College of Lifestyle Medicine | Lembas Bio |
Amwell | Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen |
Ascension Medical Group | Maple Leaf Foods |
Atlanta Community Food Bank | Mars |
Atrium Health | Massachusetts Executive Office of Health & Human Services |
Basils Harvest | Massachusetts General Hospital |
Bi State Primary Care Association | mBIOTA Elemental |
Builders Initiative | Meals on Wheels America |
City of Seattle | Medline Industries |
Columbus Regional Health | MedStar Health |
Community Renewal Team | Michigan Dept of Health & Human Servivces |
Craig Hospital | Milken Institute |
Danone | Momentus Capital |
DNO Produce | Morrissey Market |
DoorDash | mRelief |
Duke University Medical Center | Multnomah County Health Department |
Duly Health & Care | National Association of Community Health Centers |
Family Health Services | Nixon Law Group |
Feeding America | Northern Illinois Food Bank |
Feeding Tampa Bay | Northwell Health |
Food Allergy Research & Education | Nutrition4Good |
Food Bank Council of Michigan | Oklahoma State University |
Food Bank of Central New York | Partnership for a Healthier America |
Food Outreach | PepsiCo |
Food Trust | Purdue University |
FoodMinds | RfoodX |
Franciscan Ctr of Baltimore | Rockefeller Foundation |
Fresh Connect Central | Rush University Medical Center |
GENYOUth | RVA Street Foodies |
Gods Pantry Food Bank | S2G Ventures |
Greater Chicago Food Depository | San Antonio Food Bank |
Hackensack Meridian Health | Share Our Strength |
Hagstrom Report | Sharp HealthCare |
Harvard Law School | StoryPoint Group |
Hawkeye Area Community Action Program | Substance Abuse & Mental Health Svcs Administration (SAMSA) |
Heali | Uber Health |
Highmark Health | University Of Illinois |
Homemade Classes | University of Southern California |
Humana | University of Vermont Medical Center |
Hunger Task Force | UPMC Health Plan |
Hy-Vee Health Exemplar Care | US Dept of Agriculture (USDA) |
Illinois Dept of Healthcare & Family Svcs | US Dept of Health & Human Svcs (HHS) |
Indian Health Service | US Dept of Veteran Affairs (VA) |
Indiana Dept of Health | Virginia Commonwealth University |
Inova Health System | Wayne State University |
Intermountain Health Regional Hospital | |