Food as Medicine: From Promise to Implementation to Scalable Impact
Nutritional Security • Medically Tailored Meals • Produce Prescriptions • Evidence-Based Diets
It's going to take all of us to make Food as Medicine a long-term, sustainable reality. With Providers, CBO's, Payers, Retail, Food Companies, Government, Investors, Associations and more all in attendance, The Food as Medicine Summit will ignite collaboration across the field.
Improving outcomes is at the heart of The Food as Medicine Summit. As we move from promise to implementation, this year's Summit will focus on providing tangible outcomes and takeaways to help ensure Food as Medicine can truly deliver on its potential.
Food as Medicine holds so much promise, but we need to cut through the hype to ensure we focus on where and how we will have the biggest impact. This year’s Food as Medicine Summit will once again provide the learning and networking opportunities to help make this a reality.